Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A New Series of Digital Images

My new series of digital images is the product of a trip I took to the city of Chicago in September of 2017. I visited Millennium Park which is the site of Anish Kapoor's Cloud Gate sculpture. The artwork is amazing in the way it reflects the urban skyline.

I'd been working with symmetrical imagery for awhile. When I saw Cloud Gate I was moved by the way it transformed the local environment. It seemed to me that the objects visual power was strongly dependent on the surroundings and the sculpture's ability to create a synergy.

With that in mind I took a series of digital photographs of the downtown area. These were edited to collage imagery that merges geometry with reflection creating visual structures.

Prints from the series can be seen and purchased at

City, digital collage, 30 x 40 inches, 2017

detail, City 1

detail, City 1

detail, City 1